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  • Writer's pictureCandice Ryan

Of Ash & Shadow By Sarah King ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐

Wyn has lost everything at the hands of fae. Her family murdered, she is kidnapped to suffer unspeakable abuse, but Wyn is a fighter and a survivor. After managing to escape, she becomes a fae hunter and killer out for revenge.

Now, the fae need her help, and they won’t take no for an answer. They need her to venture to the Shadow Queens realm, kill the queen, and recover a stone. On top of all of this, she is to be guided by a dark elf, Keir (insert girly sigh) on this seemingly suicidal mission. As they travel, Wyn has to deal with her own emotions as she is forced to put her trust in someone who represents everything she has grown to despise.

I devoured this tail in almost one sitting. A truly marvelous and thrilling story that I highly recommend to any fantasy lover. It has everything there is to love about fantasy... a female heroine, tragic backstory, evil villain, and of course a swoon worthy dark elf. You can’t help but be heart broken for Wyn. The abuse and tragic loss she suffers is enough to break even the strongest wills, but her perseverance allows her to overcome it all. The character development is superb, and relationship evolution brilliant. The Shadow Queen is terrifying, a truly evil villain capable of horrors unimaginable. There are only a few villains that have kept me up at night, and The Shadow Queen is one of them. What an amazing ride!

Of Ash & Shadow has quickly made its way into my top favorite fantasy books, and I can’t wait to read more from Sarah.

Trigger Warning: physical and sexual abuse

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